Solvyns Hindu bazar
A Hindu bazar, Baldasar Solvyns
Sonar Bunniya by Solvyns
The Seals belong to the Sonar bania or Suvarnabanik caste.
Portrait of Mutty Lall Seal
Mutty Lall Seal (courtesy: Kanak Lall Seal)
Mutty Lall Seal will page 1
Mutty Loll Seal's will, page one. Click to read transcription.
Motilal Seals will in Bengali
Motilal Seal's will with his signature
Mutty Seal Ghat
Motilal Seal's ghat is still in use by the general public in Kolkata.
Calcutta Christian Observer 1840
"Mutty Lal Seal has offered a Lack of Rupees for a lying-in hospital for women"
Illustrated London News 1849
Motilal Seal's contribution to the Calcutta Medical College
samachar darpan 1840
Report on the Seal's hospital for expecting women
Mutty Lall Seal's Free College
Founded 1842
Western Times 1843
Newspaper report on Seal's Free College
Allgemeine Zeitung
Motilal Seal's Free College described in a German newspaper in 1844.
A European emporium in Calcutta: Taylor and Cos.
(Courtesy: Victoria and Albert Museum)
Morning Post 1844
Motilal Seal exposes malpractices among exchange houses
Bank of Bengal note
The Bank of Bengal was the first government bank in India.
Parburys oriental herald
Parbury's Colonial Intelligencer: Motilal Seal starts the Bank of India
Opium and the EIC
Motilal Seal and Dwarkanath Tagore traded in indigo and opium.
Opium sale by Oswald, Seal and Co.
Biprobhakti Chandrika
Motilal Seal's ten-page book on Brahminism
Seal Thakurbari Belghoria
Approximately 500 people were given free lunch everyday.
Ramakrishna Dev's visit to the Seal Thakurbari
Family deities of the Seals
Mutty Seal's Thakurbari Belghoria
The Thakurbari fish
Fishing in the lake and animal slaughter is forbidden in Seal's alms-house in Belghoria.
Motilal Seal on trading practices
His advice to commissioning agents was widely accepted.
Motilal Seal's house on Colootolla Street
The house on 60 Colootolla Street belongs to the Mullicks now.
Behala thakurbari and atithishala
Motilal Seal's alms-house and temple in Durgapur, Behala
Shyamsundar Jeu
Idol in Mutty Lall Seal's house in Howrah
Motilal Seal's obituary in the Hindoo Patriot
The Hindoo Patriot said that "he contributed to every undertaking of public benefit".
Samvad Prabhakar on Motilal Seal's Sradh Ceremony
The Supreme Court had demanded a deposit of one lakh rupees from his family.
Mutty Lall Seal
Portrait in Seal's Free College
Mutty Lall Seal
Sketch of Mutty Lall Seal (courtesy: Mohon Lal Seal)
Bust of Motilal Seal
Calcutta Medical College, Academic Building