Transcription Page Two

Chooney Loll Seal and  PunnaLoll Seal

All of Coolloohtollah in Calcutta the

Widow and the three of the sons of the

Above and deceased and the Executrix

And  Executor named in and appointed

By the Last Will and Testament of the said Deceased


That the above named Mutty Lall Seal  who was in his life time and at the time of his death a Hindoo Merchant and Banker and an inhabitant of Calcutta departed his lifeCalcutta aforesaid early on the morning of the twentieth day of May instant having first duty made and published his Last Will and Testament which is assumed

To the Affidavit of your petitioner HeeraLoll Seal  Chooney Loll Seal and Punna Loll Seal sworn in these goods on this twenty third day of May instant and thereof appointed your Petitioner to be the Executing and Executor thereof as by the said Will  and Affidavit of your said Petitioners thereon to assume appears.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly Pray your Lordship that they may be Sworn in Executrix and Executors

[ Executor] of the said Last Will  and the Testament of the said Mutty Loll Seal Deceased and that Probate thereof be Granted to them accordingly And Your Petitioner shall we pray open

Be it so

James Wm. Colville

23rd May 1854


Petitioner Proctor


In the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William of Bengal

Eccelesiastical Side

In the Goods of Mutty Loll Seal



Heeraloll Seal of Coolootollah in Calcutta one of the sons of the above deceased Maketh Oath and saith that Shree Mutty Anandamoyee Dassee the widow and Executor named in the Will of the above named deceased is living and residing at Coolootollah aforesaid and that the Sree Mutty Anandamoyee Dasi is a Hindoo Lady and Woman of rank and does not appear in Public